What is Next After 2021?
The following two days will be my New Years’ blog posts. It seemed like so long ago when I retired from Corporate America in early 2020. I was able to have a retirement reception on my last day, go on a five-day trip to Phoenix the following week, and hold a retirement party on February 29th. On March 13th, I went to dinner with three high school friends and continued to go to the gym. I went to the gym early on St. Patricks’ Day, and the gym never reopened after that.
I was starting to fire up my business, so I had time to follow the COVID arena closely. There were so many unknowns, and we thought this would all be over in a few weeks. I watched the Governor’s Daily Press Conference and the Mayor’s Press Conference. I had planned to speak and was excited to be accepted at several conferences. I naively bought plane tickets which, of course, turned into airline credits.
My world quickly turned into chasing down toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and hand wipes. I was able to shop during the senior citizen hour at the store. We usually ordered groceries online, but initially, what only took a few hours was a five-day wait. Those older seniors were like a band of cops if you went down a grocery aisle against the arrows. I was happy to get out alive and that the store improved their on=line ordering and procurement after about eight weeks.
I did spend quite a bit of time on virtual calls. In my volunteer position as the Global Chapter Council Chair, I got to know many people from across the globe. I was accepted into a coaches group from Iowa even though I wear many Nebraska Cornhusker t-shirts. Here’s a link to the article I had written about the good things of COVID: http://ecceconferences.org/business/the-best-thing-about-covid.htm.
Tomorrow I will wrap up the last part of 2021 and my hopes for 2022. Please enjoy the rest of your week, and I hope you can spend the remainder of the holidays with family and friends. Life is so precious and can take a turn for the worse in one second. Until next time, please keep your glass at least half-full.