The Last Post for 2021
In about forty-two hours, we will call a wrap on 2021. There have been many good times in 2021 and too many not-so-good times. You may think that is just like many other years. COVID stuck around from 2020 and now has new variants. COVID will always be around, but if you think about it, there is a reason that it is called COVID 19. Various forms of COVID have been around for many years. Several strains were not as horrible, and most had smaller geographical areas.
I got invited to way too many funerals this year. People of all ages died from COVID. When you reach my age, you are expected to have many friends who will lose their parents. One recent week, I knew four people who died from COVID. Everyone will adjust to their version of the “new normal.” I can understand why someone with a compromised immune system would isolate, but I feel I will not hide from life forever.
I mainly work from home, but in 2022 I want to attend conferences and speak in person. I also hope to travel to see a few friends. I don’t go to events where you don’t know the people or a list of names. I only go to places I feel safe. I have had an ongoing battle with Cellulitis since the beginning of September. I have been in hospitals and medical offices more than I ever remember. The valet drivers and the lady who hands out the masks know me by name. Trust me, this isn’t as much fun as Cheers, but that does illustrate I have been there too many times.
I am choosing to remain positive and continue to rely on my sense of humor. Life is so short, don’t waste a second of it. I will be at home on New Year’s Eve to avoid many things but mainly amateur night at the bars and how cold it will be. I like cold weather, but we have a storm starting in 2022. They are focusing on the wind chill just a little too much. Let’s push forward together and make 2022 the best year of our lives. Please remember always to keep your glass at least half-full!