2022 New Beginnings

2022 has been moving at warp speed, and February is firmly in sight! My word for this year is Focus. I used to have a laser focus on anything I did. Since I have had my own business, not so much. Not to blame this, but I now have put my cellulitis battle in the past. It was about a 4.5 month battle with that monster. Thankfully it was cellulitis and not staph or sepsis. Everyone knows your name when you go to a hospital enough times a week. Only this is not Cheers, and there is no alcohol. When the door lady no longer asks you about Covid, you have been there too much.

When people see me, they say I look so much better, and also, I am walking so much better. I don’t feel as tired because I would take a five-hour nap and go right to sleep that night in bed. It is a small wonder I got anything accomplished. I return to the gym this week for the first time since Labor Day, so I might not be walking very well after that. I am optimistic that I will speak in person at conferences this year. I also hope to visit a few friends.

This time of year, I need to submit abstracts for conferences and then create the slides. Having an idea is one thing, but putting your ideas from abstract to slides can be a bit different. Not to complain about anything, but add a biography, headshot, and a PDF for attendees. Practice, practice, practice, and then timings to get it right! I wouldn’t trade all of this for Corporate at all. I was at the same company for over 35 years, so I had a great career, but I am happy not to leave my home office very much.

I also worked with and for great people. That is what you miss are the people. There is a group that we get together with several times a week. I will release my new plans for 2022 in the upcoming weeks. Here is a link to my previous blog about how I got cellulitis. Link: https://www.theoptimisticba.com/blog/my-travel-adventure. I need to focus, so I get more things finished before 2023- just kidding!


2022 Speaking & Travel


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