2022 Speaking & Travel

2022 is the year I am planning to finally be able to travel to speak in person at several events. My first two years as a solopreneur have consisted of making travel plans and then canceling them. I felt more like a travel agent than a professional speaker. This year I am hoping that changes and I also get to go see a few friends. This is a link to the events page on my website: https://www.theoptimisticba.com/events.

I have documented my travel plans through June. I know I will present virtually at a couple of IIBA Chapter Events and I will add them when I have additional information. There may also be another conference or two added before we get through June. If you live near anywhere I will be, please stop by to see me. Until next time, please keep your glass at least half- full.


Valentine’s Day


2022 New Beginnings