Thirty One Days of Blogging - Day Five

The story of how I became a Business Analyst is the best example of how, when something terrible happens, the ending can be great! Many of you know this story, but for the other people, a brief highlight. My division had an extensive reorganization in 2004 where I experienced a 20% pay cut, basically the same job, more people to support and less authority to do it. I also had worked on the project team to help create our new organization. That was the cherry on top of the sundae! One person went above and beyond as a friend, mentor, and manager - Katie Bircher!

I was applying for jobs in and outside of Mutual of Omaha. In March of 2005, I became a Business Analyst and moved to the project area. I was assigned to the team that supported Individual Life and Annuities, which were my wheelhouse. I knew instantly I had found my passion in life. I was a customer for this team in my prior position, so I did know almost 100% of the team. This team got their work finished and knew how to have fun—another reason I was a good fit. The project division went through several changes, but I stayed in it for the remainder of my career.

I stayed a Senior Business Systems Analyst and at Mutual of Omaha for the rest of my career. I made a difference with what I did, especially with the larger projects I worked on in later years. Recognizing my passion and getting involved in IIBA allowed me to realize that I wanted to retire early and pursue my top passions in the Business Analysis arena. The risk averse animal taking a risk this large, I know, but as my close friends know, expect the unexpected. I made the right decision, but instantly, I was faced with needing to pivot when COVID happened. If I go further, the rest of the December blogs will be very tiny.

My satisfaction comes from knowing that a few people think about my story and change to pursue their true passion in life. Not necessarily to open their own business, but whatever that passion might be. Life is short, and there are no do-overs! Being positive, light, and enjoying humor makes the journey of life so much better. In tomorrow’s blog, I am going to address gratitude as a break from hearing about me. Have a fantastic day and weekend! Remember, your glass needs to be always at least half full!


Thirty One Days of Blogging - Day Six


Thirty One Days of Blogging - Day Four