The Optimistic BA Update
The Optimistic BA has been quiet, but I am here right now to check in. Many of you have followed my health journey with Cellulitis. Two wounds are slow at healing, and hopefully, after a few more weeks, I can shed the wraps for permanent compression wear. My last trip was canceled yesterday as PMBA Toronto will not happen until 2022. I am speaking on November 16th for the IIBA San Diego Chapter. Please access this event in the event section of my website.
Many of you who follow me know that one of my signature presentations is “Bad Things Happen! The Ending Can Be Great!” Besides fighting Cellulitis, I have heard a series of bad news about close friends with health issues and friends losing their parents. I am optimistic, but even a series of these news events can reduce my optimism by a small amount. At my age, you do attend more funerals than weddings.
This morning I got some great news that has been a long time coming. The Optimistic BA® is now a Registered Trademark. I filed the trademark in July 2020 with an intent to use status. It was approved in April 2021, but I needed to file additional information since it was being used. I am thankful I used Legal Zoom to file, and lawyers recommended submitting the required information.
The legalese on the US Patent Office website made my head hurt! I followed each step on the trademark website. I was never challenged because I did a comprehensive search when filing. I did get quite the chuckle when IIBA turned up about 3000 times on the thorough examination. It was funny since I knew I did not threaten them. I am thankful for the support on this journey from many people. This is a huge milestone, and today my glass is overflowing with confetti all over!