The Four F’s
Day 11 of the 12 Days of Christmas has arrived. What keeps me grounded are the Four F’s. Family, Friends, Faith, and Fun. The order of focus changes every day and sometimes hour to hour. I am so blessed and lucky with both family and friends. I have a deep faith which is my moral compass. Some of my best self-discipline was formed by the nuns in the Catholic schools in the 1960s. I love to have fun, and a few times at an event, some of my friends said they were laughing at my laugh more than the show. Of course, we all know my famous “inside” voice.
We will gather with my husband’s family this year. I discussed the families in yesterday’s blog, and I am lucky with both families. Being a fifth-generation only child, extended family is important. I grew up most of my childhood next to eight children. I didn’t miss out on anything about not having siblings.
What I gained is Angie Comte-Wellman, my lifelong best friend. We met on January 15, 1965, and will celebrate Fifty-Seven years of friendship on January 15, 2022. No one knows me better, even the love of my life Terry Alter. I am fortunate that Terry and Angie love each other. I am excited as Angie is home for Christmas this year, and tonight we will spend some time together. She is in Virginia now, and while we don’t see each other a lot, we keep in good touch with modern technology.
Friends are one of the crown jewels of my life. My inner circle is the best, and they know who they are. When I joined IIBA, I expanded my inner circle with great people. People are what life is all about but never fail to tell the ones that matter how much you love them. Until next time, please keep your glass at least half full.