Conference Season is Starting

In the next few months, there are several great conferences to choose from. The best thing is that they are all virtual, and you can travel around the globe. It would be perfect if I could get frequent flyer miles but no such luck. I am honored to be speaking at the Fourth Triangle Business Analysis Development Day 2021.

The event is being held on Wednesday, April 21st, from 9:00, am to 5:00 pm EDT. I will be presenting twice that day. My presentations will be “Five Characteristics Needed to be a Great Leader” and “The Case for Business Analysts on Agile Teams.” As a bonus, if you use my special link, you will get $10.00 off your admission. Link:

On a related note, I got hacked in PayPal and LinkedIn. PayPal is operational and no money was lost. I can’t access my LinkedIn account which as most of you know I basically reside there promoting my business. The blogs will continue with the help of Team Biaka but I can assure you this is all my content. Until next time, stay away from the hackers, and please keep your glass at least half full!




International Women’s Day