Work from Home is Now Work From Anywhere
Day 6 of the 12 Days of Christmas is now here. WFH is now WFA, which in theory, I agree with, but I am a desktop person with three monitors, my Yetti microphone, and my lights for presenting. The thought of running away to a beach crosses my mind a few times a week. My laptop is ancient and slow, so I only use it when I travel to speak, and it is projected onto a giant screen. You can guess how many times I have used it while speaking in person the last two years.
My idea for WFA is to relocate for a few months to asn alternate destination. Some people moved during the pandemic to another state and didn’t tell their boss. Not sure how that worked out. If I did that, I would need to take all my equipment. I have a smartphone and an IPAD, but I find a desktop so much easier to operate. My friends are safe that I won’t be coming for any long-term stays. Houseguests are like dead fish; they need to be removed after a few days.
This is a topic that no one has the same opinion and circumstances. For the last eleven years, I worked at a company; I worked from home at least one day a week. That day was Friday, and no one had to tell me when I needed to be in the office on a Friday. I knew when a project required me to be there. When I would show up, people would say, what are you doing here? I replied, “I work here,” and laughed with my famous “inside” voice.
I have quite a few airline credits that conveniently expire right before all my planned speaking dates. Who wants me to visit? I plan only to bring the laptop, smartphone, and IPAD. I will have to ask my CEO if I can WFA, and I heard she is a “rules follower.” I will see myself out, TGIF, and have a great weekend! Until next time, please keep your glass at least half-full.