International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA)

Day 5 of the 12 days of Christmas starts now. Certain defining moments in your career or life make a difference. While they can be good or bad, I am discussing a good moment. IIBA has had a significant impact on my career and my life. Since I started my own business, I have kept the two areas separate to avoid conflicts of interest. Anyone who knows me realizes I am like the conflict of interest police.

The best thing I ever did for my career was joining IIBA. I would not have been half the BA I was if I had not joined. When I became an IIBA volunteer, it was an even better decision. I have always been a leader, but IIBA opened up opportunities I would not have had. That also helped my career in ways that would not have happened.

I was the Heartland Chapter President for four years, Central Regional Director for two years, and currently, I am the IIBA Global Chapter Council Chair. Each position has widened and sharpened my leadership skills. The thing that caught me off guard was the people I have met. Some have become good friends, and others are like a family. The prominent “family” is Jared Gorai, Terri Lynn Rodrigues, and Danelkis Serra. We are like siblings, and some days, it involves “spirited discussions.”

It is a good thing as the amount of time we spend together would make for long days. There are many other people at IIBA that I also team up with but not as closely. If you are a BA, PM, manage BAs, or manage any project teams, you and your direct reports need to be an IIBA member. It is the best investment I have ever made. Getting my CBAP was priceless, one of the three best days of my life. Tied with college graduation and my wedding day. I could say many more things about IIBA, but I won’t as I have other work. Until next time, please keep your glass at least half full!


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