Thirty One Days of Blogging - Day 21

Some days content comes easy, and other days, not so easy. I have thought about today’s post for the last few hours. I have been thinking about my word I want to pick for 2021. I also thought about the year in review. I am not going to talk about that today. I will speak of two comments made by close friends that made more impact on me than I think they may even realize. They both originated from the premise that, at times, I am too humble, and I deflect praise and compliments. I have been working on this, but I deflect when I should say thank you and move on.

One day person A and I talked about nothing in particular, but she brought up something about how proud she was of what I was doing in my business. I don’t remember what I said, but she said, “No, you wouldn’t notice because you are too busy being Judy.” Another day, I talked with person B about something with my business, and she thought I wasn’t taking something as seriously as I should. She said, “I want the world to see you as I see you.”

When I think of those comments, they make me smile. I have always been an independent person, and being a solopreneur is perfect for me. I often think of these comments, but usually when I am not fond of what I am doing or is challenging. They help me to dig down deeper to complete the task. I choose not to name these people, but I am reasonably sure they will see this and recognize themselves. They know how special I think they are, but life is too short, not to mention it frequently. Until tomorrow, keep your glass half full.


Thirty-One Days of Blogging - Day 22


Thirty One Days of Blogging - Day 20