Thirty One Days of Blogging - Day 19

This weekend is all about getting organized for the year-end! Thinking about getting papers for income tax information together. That will be next weekend thing. Today I will take a step back and get my to-do lists together for each segment of my professional life. I need to make maximum use of the next two weeks of very few meetings. I hope to take off a good portion of the following two holiday weekends. The one exception will be daily blogging through December 31st.

My blogs for the remainder of the month will also include my word for discernment for 2021, my top goals for 2021; I will also spotlight people behind the scenes. I will also share some of the things I am working on in the business. I will again do my assessment of how the first year was in my business. Who knows what else I will think of between now and the end of the month? Until tomorrow, please remember to keep your glass at least half full.


Thirty One Days of Blogging - Day 20


Thirty One Days of Blogging - Day 18