Thirty One Days of Blogging - Day 17
I finally figured out why I am always so late with my posts. I have pictures in too many drives, folders, a thumb drive, and my external hard drive. I couldn’t find the image I was looking for that went with the post I wanted to do today. So I looked the CEO in the eyes (with a mirror), and I said, let’s do something different today. No objections were heard.
I belong to a group where I need to choose one word to discern how we will live in 2021. I have a few in mind, so I am asking all of you who drop by. Please leave me a word suggesting what my word should be. I could have created a poll, but I’d rather have original thoughts. If you are viewing my post on Facebook or LinkedIn, leave the word. I will reveal the non-scientific results Monday. Tomorrow, I will reveal the final Christmas Judymoji! Until then, make sure your glass is at least half full.