Road to Surgery Went Through a Tooth

This last week was eventful as I needed to jump through the final hurdles for heart surgery. I went to my dentist for routine cleaning. We got finished, and I asked her to sign the form. She said I couldn’t clear you for surgery. The baby tooth needs to be extracted first. We all knew it was there but hadn’t done anything. It has started to decay and chip off.

I talked her receptionist into kicking someone out of their appointment so it could be pulled last week. Pulling a baby tooth is a piece of cake because there are no roots or bones. We will deal with the implant later as it appears to be more complicated than we thought. I may not even deal with it in 2022.

Next up was my appointment with the Thoracic Surgeon, and my cousin, a cardiac nurse, was on the phone. It turns out they knew each other. I didn’t learn too many new facts from him except that my case was a grey one and not black & white due to my age. The risk numbers are about equal for TAVR versus Open Heart Surgery. He did feel I may have to be on oxygen longer after open-heart surgery.

He said that I should think about it, and they would let me know if anyone at the medical conference had any thoughts that would sway my case. They had no ideas and felt my case was grey due to my age. That confirmed that this old BA had completed her homework thoroughly and stumped all the cardiologists at the hospital. I am competitive, but this was a lame win.

The same day, I discovered I had lost my TAVR spot on July 12th. I was #4, and someone was sicker than me. After my appointment, my cousin and I talked about TAVR being the best option. By Friday, I confirmed that I am having the TAVR on August 2nd. I am #3, and I will not be kicked out. I have had all my tests and forms completed, and now I have an extra three weeks to get more things completed before surgery. I don’t know if it is a Pig or Cow valve yet.

I have a great inner circle; some of them are coming to Omaha when this happens. The first is Angie, my best friend, whom I have known for 57 1/2 years. No one knows me better than her. She told me she was coming and I didn’t have a choice. I have another close friend who is also coming, but there is a chance it might not happen. I will believe she is here when I see her in the flesh. I also hope my college buddy Becky will make an appearance.

I am happy that the decision has been made, and these three weeks will fly by. Please continue to send positive vibes and prayers, as I can’t have too many. I will do a short blog before surgery, but I need to work on other content, so my business will function while I am out. I am ready for my fight, and I am known for winning. Until next time, stay positive and keep your glass at least half-full.


Special Optimistic Bites- Interview Style


Test Results Are In