IIBA Heartland Chapter Event
After speaking at the Serendipity Festival, I will shake the virtual sand from my shoes. I am proving that you really can go home again. I will be speaking at my Home Chapter which is the IIBA Heartland Chapter.
Join me at this Virtual event on July 22, 2021, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm CDT when I present Five Characteristics Needed to Be a Great Leader. This presentation is my most requested topic. Find out why Leadership is not a job position or a title.
The BA’s are natural leaders, and more experienced BA’s must be a leader. Come and find out how to become a leader or how to be a better leader. This event is not only virtual but is also free. Attend and take a break from the summer heat. This is the registration link: https://heartlandiiba.org/index.php.