How Does a BA Move Up or Get Raises in the BA Field?
This is one of the more frequent questions I receive about the BA field. I wish I had some magic fairy dust, but I don’t. Here’s a list of things not to do:
See the picture attached to the post. Be open to change.
Do not ever say the words; that’s not my job.
Don’t ask permission to step up as a leader; go above and beyond.
Doing the minimum duties to meet expectations.
Here’s a list of things to do:
Keep track of every time you get kudos from anyone. Keep track of the projects you go above and beyond on. Your manager may need to know about everything you are doing daily.
Promote yourself and your brand as no one else will.
If you do #1 and #2, just ask for a raise or a promotion. You have facts to back up why you deserve the promotion or raise.
Never complain when asked to do something outside your comfort zone. It is fair to ask who to address your questions if you are not an expert.
I have kept this short on purpose. I would like to hear from some of you about your experiences. Please comment on this post or send me an email at Until next time, please keep your glass at least half-full!