Thirty One Days of Blogging - Day 23
Christmas 1983- Anyone who lives in NE remembers that the temperature barely got above zero with brutal wind chills the entire month of December. I was still living in Lincoln and working at the bowling center. I had to close on Christmas Eve, so I knew I would be rolling into town at the last minute for Christmas.
The night of December 23rd, the wind chill reached -77 in Lincoln, and something happened to my car. Luckily my good friend Becky loaned me a car to drive home. I get home, and I go to take a shower, and there is no hot water. I went to change into a new shirt, and the button pops off. By now, we are late, and anyone who knew my Mom knows that was a cardinal sin.
I didn't know that in early 1984 she would become sick and not make it to the next Christmas. I will always remember her gifts that year- a little statute that says World's Best Daughter and a pair of Champagne glasses that were the same set used in the locker room for the 1984 Super Bowl.
Focus on your family and friends at Christmas because more holidays are not guaranteed. More time is not guaranteed ever; make sure everyone you care about knows how you feel about them. You may never get another chance.