The Optimistic BA’s November Speaking Tour

In the year of COVID, there has been so many virtual events which has been awesome. That has allowed me to meet people I would never meet and attend many global events. November is a busy month as I will speak three times next week. First up is on Wednesday November 11th to the IIBA Central-Indiana Chapter at 12:00 PM EST.

My topic is The Case for Business Analysts on Agile teams where I plead the case why business analysts are needed on Agile teams. I have presented this twice, not only has it been popular but it has generated numerous questions and interesting discussions. We will have fun because The Optimistic BA always has fun. This is a free virtual event so please join us. This is the registration link:

I am also speaking at two conferences next week and I will create blogs for each of those events. I am very excited to be delivering the ending keynotes for both conferences. Remember the glass is always half full and maybe even full! Every day is a new gift, stay optimistic and positive to make every day AWESOME! Until next time, “The Optimistic BA.”



The Optimistic BA’s November Speaking Tour Second Stop


Happy 1st Birthday to My LLC